The Shoah Memorial has been developing actions in the region and abroad for several years thanks to its branches located in Toulouse, Italy, Poland and the United States. It is also expanding its training activities in many other countries.
The Memorial program “The Holocaust as a starting point” is taking on new dimensions in 2021. The framework of this mechanism now consists of 11 regional dialogues between countries with different memorials or historical sites. Each dialogue brings together education authorities and NGOs on a transnational basis to support in-depth work with secondary school teachers, and is based on training courses developed jointly and according to local issues. In addition to the increase in the number of operations proposed, this year 2021 is characterized by the inclusion of a systematic follow-up meeting for the same beneficiaries, 6 months after each dialogue, and the creation of dedicated websites where teachers can consult the documentation needed for their personal preparation. Due to the pandemic, all events for the first half of 2021 are held online.
Since January, 5 training courses have been organized
The program is supported by the
The Memorial of the Shoah has had a permanent correspondent in Italy since 2008. Continuing education, partnerships with the museums of the Resistance and the university network are the main axes of the Memorial’s activities in the peninsula.
In 2014, nearly 1,300 professors took part in the seminars organized by the Memorial, including the fourth Italian university, “Thinking and teaching about the history of the Shoah”, which was held from 22 to 27 June at the Memorial de la Shoah in Paris.
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Poland is at the heart of the Holocaust Memorial’s policies: trips by students and teachers to Auschwitz-Birkenau, summer school for French teachers, mixed pedagogical university, reception of Polish educational staff at the Memorial.
The Agency for Education, the Polin Museum, the Historical Institute and the French Embassy are key contacts of the Memorial’s representative in Poland, who is responsible for supporting qualitative cooperation.
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In this country where the network of associations and memorial institutions is dense, the Memorial decided to rely on local actors to circulate two major exhibitions («Filmer les camps» and «Hélène Berr») The EU has adapted it to meet specific needs. Around these openings that mark this annual programming, the Memorial correspondent organizes teacher training courses upstream on a regional basis.
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The Memorial implements, each year, a series of
These seminars are not only aimed at the teaching staff, but also at various representatives of civil society and administrations (journalists, history teachers, civil servants, activists). Participation of experts and museum officials is also encouraged.
The continuing training of history teachers is lacking in many European education systems, most often in countries with significant memory challenges such
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