The project “La Shoah comme point de départ” received financial support from the European Union in 2022. International relations

The project “The Shoah as a starting point” has received financial support from the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) – Remembrance component.

Six training seminars were organized in 2022 by the Shoah Memorial with its European partners (Ministry of Education, NGOs, museum). 282 teachers/staff from 13 European countries (France, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain) participated in the training.

Taking the Holocaust as a starting point and emphasizing local history, the six training courses aimed to address sensitive regional and common problems, and contemporary educational challenges such as racial prejudice, conspiracy theory, hate speech and gender-based violence. They provided teachers with the content and tools needed to teach about the Holocaust and local mass atrocities in 20th century Europe, promote critical thinking among students and deal with negative classroom attitudes (denial or distortion of the Holocaust, nationalist visions, etc.).

For more information on the different sessions:

October 18-20, 2022 

March 17-19, 2022

22-24 March 2022

May 26-27, 2022 

5-7 July 2022

22-24 September 2022